USGS 62k Historic Topo Map

Created By: Boyd
Page Last Updated: January 18th, 2023 3:01pm
Map Coverage:
North: 47.6807°
West: 86.8293°
East: 66.8924°
South: 36.5347°
Country: United States
State: Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia
Price: Free

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### Map updated on 1/18/23 to add full coverage of Ohio plus expanded coverage of Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan (465 new quadrangles). ###
The US Geological Survey has been the primary agency responsible for mapping the United States since 1879 and this new curated collection includes almost two thousand of the oldest topo maps available from the USGS archives. These old maps were drawn at the scale of 1:62,500 with a coverage of 15 minutes (1/4 degree). Almost two thirds of the quadrangles in the map are 100 or more years old.
The map includes full coverage of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachussets, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia with partial coverage of Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan. (This is an ongoing project and coverage will continue to expand in the future)
Original .tif files were downloaded from the Historical Topographic Map Collection, cropped to remove the collar and re-projected as Web Mercator. These source files were processed at a resolution of 4.8 meters/pixel which preserves the full detail of the original USGS 300 dot-per-inch scans.
As you zoom out, the view switches to 86 of the oldest available USGS 250k maps (mostly from the 1950's). At smaller scales, the contemporary (digital) USGS National Map Topo Basemap is shown
Garmin devices do not offer any serious support for raster imagery, so this map is only available in the free boydsmaps web app. Garmin's "custom maps" (.kmz) raster format only supports a total of 100 tiles at 1024x1024 on most devices, however this map would contain over 250,000 tiles if processed in that format!
The boydsmaps web app is compatible with all devices and operating systems, it's free, there's no advertising and no registration. Use it on your phone like a handheld GPS or on your computer with an interface designed for large screens. It's a website, but can also be installed as an app which offers many advantages, especially on phones. There are over 200 maps, covering the entire world, including the full suite of maps from HERE and Mapbox. Many other features like waypoints, elevation data and more. See the built-in help function for full documentation.
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