Wharton State Forest, NJ 1995 orthoimagery Map

Created By: Boyd
Last Updated: September 5th, 2010 11:09am
Map Coverage:
North: 39.8136°
West: 74.8146°
East: 47.466°
South: 39.6249°
Country: United States
State: New Jersey
Price: free

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Garmin custom map covering most of the Wharton State Forest in the pine barrens of Southern New Jersey. Coverage area is shown above in magenta (green shaded area is the Wharton State Forest). Source: 1995 infra-red orthoimagery from NJGIN. Map resolution is 8 feet per pixel.
This map is only compatible with the newest Garmin handheld units running current firmware (Colorado, Dakota, Oregon, GPSMap 62 and 78 series).
To install this map, simply drag the downloaded .kmz file to your CustomMaps folder on your GPS (internal memory or card). If you don't already have a CustomMaps folder, create one inside of the \Garmin folder.
Download Garmin Custom Map [27MB] (1439 Downloads)