SA-SouthAmBrazilTopo Part2 Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: sockmonkey
Last Updated: March 15th, 2021 6:03pm
Map Coverage:
North: 5°
West: 74° East: 34°
South: 35°
Country: Brazil
Price: Free!!

Topographic Data Street Data Trail Data Transparent Map PC Version Available Mac Version Available

Topo map of Brazil

Open Street Map data as source for map

40 feet elevation contours with dem/3d shading from 3" SRTM data

Limitied poi's for less clutter

TYP included, user can change many visual elements with typviewer or typewiz

The "Windows" version is the .img file and can be directly copied or installed to the Garmin folder on your GPS (on older, single mapset devices mapname may need to be renamed gmapsupp.img), or copied to Orux/mapfiles folder.  Orux is available on the Google Play Store or for free at the authors website,  To view in Basecamp on Windows use the "Mac" version, after extracting and opening to mapaname.gmap, mapset can be placed in the Windows C:/ProgramData/Garmin/Maps folder (may need to un-hide and create)  or installed to Mac using it's install process.

Note:  This map exceeds the 2 GB upload size limit.  Both the .gmapi and .img have been split, SA-SouthAmBrazilTopo Part2 will be combined with a seperate download, SA-SouthAmBrazilTopo Part1

A full featured archive utility such as 7zip or peazip will be required to get to the finished mapset, I used peazip to split and 7zip to combine during testing  The process is the same for both the "Windows" .img version and the "Mac" .gmapi version.  Download the desired map format, Part 1 and 2.  Extract those files seperately, they may be in seperate folders, place the files together at a place of your choosing and you should now have two files, one ending in zip.001 and another ending in zip.002.  Now select those two files (with 7zip I found the best results with the Extract to "*\")  You should now have a folder that is:  a) A folder which has the SA-SouthAmBrazilTopo.img inside if you downloaded the Windows version or b) A folder named SA-SouthAmBrazilTopo.gmapi if you download the Mac version.  You may now follow the instructions above with your respective mapset. 

For this map I found that this was the only process to get ~3GB mapsets from me to you.



Download Windows Version [876MB] (430 Downloads)
Download Mac Version [887MB] (316 Downloads)