Massachusetts: Harvard: Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: dbperry
Last Updated: June 6th, 2013 5:06pm
Map Coverage:
North: 42.5069°
West: -71.6356° East: -71.6192°
South: 42.4941°
Country: United States
State: Massachusetts
Price: Free

Street Data Trail Data Garmin Custom Map (kmz Imagery) PC Version Available Mac Version Available


Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge, Harvard, MA 01451

CLICK HERE to preview the KMZ map in Google Maps

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the map in a Google Map embedded KMZ viewer gadget

Another in my continuing series of KMZ maps of places that aren't large or complicated enough to deserve a custom map! The Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge is much larger than the area on the KMZ map - the KMZ map is limited to the section of the refuge with the interpretive trail.  
More information about the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge at:

If you enjoy the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge, consider becoming a member of the Friends of the Oxbow NWR:


Source Data

My KMZ map is from the US FWS map:
(See Version History below for more information)



This KMZ map is set to Draw Order 32 so it will show 'beneath' the primary map on your Garmin KMZ-compatible GPS.  

The image on the left in each row below is from a Garmin GPSMAP 78sc with no other maps displayed. The image on the right in each row below is from the same device with the Garmin 24K NE series TOPO maps displayed.





I have posted this KMZ as freeware, so instead of paying me for it, send me a note if you found this file helpful!
[email protected]

Download Garmin Custom Map [194kB] (1047 Downloads)


Once you have downloaded and unzipped the KMZ file, you can:

1) Display it on your Garmin GPS receiver by placing the file in the \Garmin\CustomMaps folder on your supported Garmin GPS receiver. For a list of supported devices, click here

2) Display it in Google Earth by opening the file (FILE, OPEN). 



Notification of Updates

If you would like to be notified when I update this or any of my KMZ maps, subscribe to my notification e-mail service by sending an e-mail to [email protected]  with the subject line "subscribe gps_maps"
This is a notification list only, and the only posts you will receive are when my KMZ maps are updated. Your e-mail address will not be used for any other purpose (or provided to anyone else except me). 


Support The Effort

If you find the map and this website useful please consider making a donation to offset hosting costs.


* You don't need paypal to donate but that is who will process the donation.


Version History

Version 1.00 (6/6/2013)
Initial release using US FWS map dated March 2012.


Map Summary

Site details:
Name: Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge
Owner / Steward: US Fish & Wildlife Service
State: Massachusetts
County: Worcester
Primary city / town: Harvard
Primary city / town zip code: 01451
Other cities / towns in map area: Lancaster.

Area of conservation / recreation land: 279 acres or 0.44 square miles
NOTE: This is my calculation of the extents of the area(s) with publicly accessible trails on the KMZ map. This should be the area available for hiking or other recreation, but it will also include any portion of water bodies, marshes, swamps, etc. within the boundaries of the properties on the KMZ. It would also include inaccessible conservation land within the boundaries, such as a buffer zone of "Do not enter" land around a reservoir.

KMZ details:
File name: Oxbow_ver_1.00.kmz
Current version: 1.00
Date published: 6/6/2013
Number of tiles: 1
KMZ file size: 205 KB
Draw order: 32
Does this KMZ overlap with any others? No
If so, which ones? N-A
Coverage of KMZ: 471 acres or 0.74 square miles
NOTE: this area includes the ENTIRE KMZ including white space / margins / legend, etc.

GPS coordinates of center of KMZ polygon (not necessarily the center of the map):
N 42° 30.030'
W 71° 37.643'


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