Illinois Wildernesses Map
Map Information
Created By: wilderness.webmaster
Page Last Updated: March 4th, 2011 3:03pm
Map Coverage:
North: 37.6273°
West: 89.4389°
East: 88.3653°
South: 37.4977°
Country: United States
State: Illinois
Price: FREE
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This transparent map will allow you to add a layer to your GPS unit showing the boundaries of wilderness areas in Illinois. Use the map to see your position relative to wilderness boundaries in the field. You can use this map in conjunction with other maps, such as topo maps, you may have on your GPS unit already.Installation
PC Version
- Clicking on the link above downloads and runs the installer (.exe), which unzips the appropriate files to your computer and registers them with MapSource.
MAC Version
- Clicking on the link above downloads a zip file (.zip). Unpack this zip file using Stuffit Expander (or something similar), then double-click the .gmapi file. MapManager should launch and a window should open up that says "Install these maps?". Click the install button and the map will be installed into Basecamp.
Version and Updates
The map version date is displayed on the initial installation screen. Maps are updated whenever new wilderness areas are added to the National Wilderness Preservation System or when older boundaries are revised. Follow us on Twitter to make sure you receive announcements about updated maps. To update to the current version of this map, uninstall the older version (use the “Uninstall” utility in the folder where you installed the maps the first time) before downloading and installing the current version from the links provided.Data Source
The data used to compile this map comes from the federal wilderness management agencies (Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and National Park Service) and is maintained by the University of Montana's Wilderness Institute through Information
Please contact Lisa Eidson, Wilderness Information Specialist and Webmaster for, with any questions or concerns: [email protected], 406-243-6933 (office), 406-396-3607 (cell).Visit Illinois Wildernesses To Download.
Note: This map is not hosted by GPSFileDepot