Massachusetts: Sudbury: Gray Reservation Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: dbperry
Last Updated: March 18th, 2012 8:03am
Map Coverage:
North: 42.3892°
West: -71.4378° East: -71.4228°
South: 42.3749°
Country: United States
State: Massachusetts
Price: Free

Topographic Data Street Data Trail Data Garmin Custom Map (kmz Imagery) PC Version Available Mac Version Available Works With Garmin


Gray Reservation, Sudbury, MA 01776

The trails on the Gray Reservation, owned by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, connect to trails on the Haynes Meadow Conservation Land owned by the Town of Sudbury and trails on property owned by the Sudbury Water District.  

More information about this property at:

If you enjoy this property, consider joining the Sudbury Valley Trustees as a member:


Source Data

My KMZ map is created from the Sudbury Valley Trustees map (with permission):
See version history below for more info.



This KMZ map is set to Draw Order 32 so it will show 'beneath' your primary map on your Garmin KMZ-compatible GPS.

The images below are all from a Garmin GPSMAP 78sc. The image on the left is with no other maps displayed. The image on the right has the Garmin 24K NE series TOPO maps displayed.



I have posted this KMZ as freeware, so instead of paying me for it, send me a note if you found this file helpful!
[email protected]

Download Garmin Custom Map [306kB] (1084 Downloads)


Once you have downloaded and unzipped the KMZ file, you can:

1) Display it on your Garmin GPS receiver by placing the file in the \Garmin\CustomMaps folder on your supported Garmin GPS receiver. For a list of supported devices, click here

2) Display it in Google Earth by opening the file (FILE, OPEN). 



Notification of Updates

If you would like to be notified when I update this or any of my KMZ maps, subscribe to my notification e-mail service by sending an e-mail to [email protected]  with the subject line "subscribe gps_maps"
This is a notification list only, and the only posts you will receive are when my KMZ maps are updated. Your e-mail address will not be used for any other purpose (or provided to anyone else except me). 


Support The Effort

If you find the map and this website useful please consider making a donation to offset hosting costs.


* You don't need paypal to donate but that is who will process the donation.

Version History

Version 1.00 (2012 Mar 18)
Initial release using undated map downloaded from Sudbury Valley Trustees website (see above) on March 17, 2012.