Boyd's Landscape of New Jersey Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: Boyd
Last Updated: January 9th, 2011 8:01pm
Map Coverage:
North: 41.4446°
West: 75.7645° East: 73.8348°
South: 38.8952°
Country: United States, United States
Price: Free

Street Data Trail Data Point of Interest Data PC Version Available Easy Installer Available Mac Version Available Works With Garmin

To create this map I have taken the high resolution NJDEP 2007 LULC shapfile data and mapped it to more than 40 hand-drawn Garmin custom polygon types to produce a graphic picture of the landscape. Water data comes from the NHD and roads from TIGER shapefiles that have been extensively edited and enhanced by the author. Since LULC data of this quality is not available for surrounding states, I developed a technique to create it from Landsat imagery.

While this map should be compatible with all Garmin units, it has a very high data density that may challenge slower GPSr's and older computers. It has been tested on the Nuvi 3790, Nuvi 5000, Nuvi 205 and Oregon.

It is especially tuned for the Nuvi 3700 series, with its faster process, high resolution screen and advanced 3d rendering capabilities. When used on the Nuvi 3790, the North American DEM map can be enabled at the same time, providing a true 3d terrain view.


On Windows computers it may be used with Mapsource, Basecamp and nRoute



On the Macintosh it is compatible with Basecamp and Roadtrip, however you may experience performance issues with RoadTrip.


While it is compatible with the Oregon GPS, I find that it doesn't look very good on my 400t due to the low contrast of the screen. It also seems to suffer from performance issues on the Oregon. If you have a new model Oregon, I would be interested to hear how it performs.

It should be compatible with older designs, such as the 60csx, but performance will probably be poor. These units will also suffer from a cgpsmapper bug that displays mixed case street names incorrectly.

A Windows-compatible installer is provided which will add this map to your existing Mapsource/Basecamp collection. If you don't have these programs, first download and install Basecamp from Garmin's site. If you wish to use Mapsource, download and install it AFTER first installing Basecamp.

A Macintosh version is also included. For help installing and using this map, see the GPSFileDepot tutorial here:


This map is copyrighted by Boyd Ostroff, 2011 and all rights are reserved. For your personal use only. It may not be sold or included as part of any other package without the written consent of the author.

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