Percy Priest Lake, Nashville, TN Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: eaparks
Last Updated: June 15th, 2010 9:06am
Map Coverage:
North: 36.068°
West: 86.5263° East: 86.5147°
South: 36.0595°
Country: United States
State: Tennessee
Price: Free

Point of Interest Data Marine/Water Data Transparent Map PC Version Available Easy Installer Available Mac Version Available Works With Garmin

Percy Priest Lake Map near Nashville, TN contains a main channel line of the old original riverbed for the main reservoir and (14) additional secondary channel lines for named tributary creeks.  POIs included on map are:  (27) boat ramps, (9) danger areas for rocks and/or shoals; (34) mile markers, every 1 mile, along the main channel line starting at the dam and going to the East and West Forks; (4) bridge crossings; (12) named islands; and (5) marinas.

Various maps and sources of information were used in the compilation of this map.  There may be some inaccuracies in the exact location of the channel in a few locations on a couple of the tributary creeks due to discrepancies between various maps.  Generally the discrepancy will be in the range of 30 feet and no greater than 60 feet.

Disclaimer:  This map is not to be used for navigational purposes.

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