Alaska Topo Map

Created By: maps4gps
Last Updated: June 13th, 2010 6:06am
Map Coverage:
North: 71.5°
West: -170°
East: -130°
South: 53°
Country: United States
State: Alaska
Price: free

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The purpose of this venture is to create a detailed topographic map of Alaska at 63k+ detail. This map is created by maps4gps for Garmin GPS receivers and Mapsource.
- Roads - Nov. 2008 Tiger Data
- Railroads
- USGS NHD water data - ocean, lakes, rivers, streams, and washes
- POIs
- Borders
- Elevation contours - roughly equivalent to the AK 1:63.360 printed maps and built from 60m NED data
This map covers most of AK - data for the Western Aleutians was not available.
I, maps4gps, will not be updating this mapset.
Anyone interested in creating and sharing a map of this type/area using current data please contact me and/or OZ.
For PC Windows: Download and run the .exe file. The map will then appear in Garmin MapSource and can be added to your GPS by selecting it in MapSource and sending it to the GPSr. Version 1.0 Released 19 Mar 10
Download Windows Version [220MB] (25933 Downloads)
Download Mac Version [219MB] (8481 Downloads)
GPS Usage
This map can be installed with any other Garmin Maps (How-To Tutorial). Then you simply hide and show other maps until you see the Alaska Topo.