Haiti - Port-au-Prince area - kmz topos Map

Created By: maps4gps
Last Updated: January 26th, 2010 10:01am
Map Coverage:
North: 18.59°
West: -72.43°
East: -72.27°
South: 18.5°
Country: Haiti
Price: free

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The following .kmz image files for the Port-au-Prince area were created from
geopdf files downloaded from NGA's public Haiti relief website.
Note: Garmin GPSr units are currently limited to 100 cells.
pap250.kmz - 1:250000 JOGA/1501 topo maps CI=in feet for 100m/sup50m
21.2m/pixel (20 cells) view=5 mi to 300 ft
pap050.kmz - 1:50000 topo maps CI=20m/sup=10m
4.3m/pixel (77 cells) view=0.8 mi to 50 ft
pap012b.kmz - 1:12500 sheet 2 topo map with collar data CI=10m/sup=5m
2.2m/pixel (54 cells) view=0.5 mi to 30 ft
pap012bc.kmz - 1:12500 sheet 2 & west pt of sheet 3 topo map (collar clipped)
2.2m/pixel (98 cells) view=0.3 mi to 20 ft
haiti250.kmz - 1:250000 JOGA/1501 topo maps resampled to 44m/pixel (48cells)
to include the entire country in one .kmz file the 5 sheets were resampled
view=8 mi to 500 ft
Images of most of the 1:50000 sheets covering Haiti are available.
Single sheet city data at 1:12500 is available for:
Aquin (1:10000)
Cap Haitien
Petit Goave (1:10000)
Port de Paix
Saint Marc
Port-au-Prince is in 4 sheets; however sheet 1 (north of sheet 2) is available
only in .jpg format at a reduced resolution of about 6m/pixel
Images at small scales will cover an area larger than given in the map boundaries.
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