The Pine Plains of New Jersey Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: Boyd
Last Updated: December 4th, 2009 3:12pm
Map Coverage:
North: 39.8857°
West: 74.52° East: 74.27°
South: 39.6677°
Country: United States
State: New Jersey
Price: Free

Topographic Data Street Data Trail Data Raster Based Map Garmin Custom Map (kmz Imagery) PC Version Available Mac Version Available Works With Garmin

This zip archive contains both a USGS 1:24000 topo map and NJ 2007 digital orthophotography of the Pine Plains of Ocean and Burlington County, New Jersey. The USGS topo covers an area approximately 13.3 miles x 15 miles at a resolution of ~8 feet per pixel. The NJ 2007 aerial imagery covers an area about 7 miles x 6 miles at a resolution of ~4 feet per pixel.

These maps are only compatible with the Garmin Oregon, Dakota and Colorado series using the current firmware. If your unit does not recognize this map, connect it to your computer and run Garmin WebUpdater to install the newest firmware.

This file is compatible with both Macs and Windows machines. Unzip, choose the map you want and drop it into your CustomMaps folder on the GPS. The CustomMaps folder must be inside the Garmin folder and may be located either in internal memory or on a storage card.

As of this writing, Garmin does not support more than one custom mapset at a time. Choose only ONE of the two files in the zip archive. These files can also be viewed with Google Earth, or any other software which supports .kmz files. Not compatible with Mapsource.

Screenshots below are from an Oregon 400





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