Puerto Rico Topo Map
![Map Info](/images/box-mapinfo.png)
Created By: maps4gps
Last Updated: December 3rd, 2009 9:12pm
Map Coverage:
North: 18.6°
West: -68°
East: -65.15°
South: 17.8°
Country: Puerto Rico
Price: free
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The purpose of this venture is to create a detailed topographic map of Puerto Rico at 24k+ detail. This map is created by maps4gps for Garmin GPS receivers and Mapsource.
- Roads - Oct. 2009 Tiger Data
- Census bureau water data - lakes, rivers, streams, and washes
- Census bureau area and point landmarks
- Elevation contours - 40ft built from USGS 30m NED data
This map covers islands of Puerto Rico.
I, maps4gps, will not be updating this mapset.
Anyone interested in creating and sharing a map of this type/area using current data please contact me and/or OZ.
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