Tagab-E-Munjan TOPO Map

Created By: Indrid Cold
Last Updated: December 6th, 2009 4:12pm
Map Coverage:
North: 36°
West: 70°
East: 71°
South: 35°
Country: Afghanistan
Price: Free!

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This map superseded by http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/maps/view/182/
The purpose of this map is to provide map coverage of Tagab-E-Munjan Quadrangle.
- Roads, settlements and water data including irrigated areas, springs & streams.
- Points of Interest, such as Med centers...
- 20 foot topographic contours
- English Transliteration, not جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان or د افغانستان اسلامي جمهوریت
Coverage & Detail
Two options exist;
for Windows, download and run setup. The map will then appear in Garmin MapSource and can be added to your GPS by selecting it in MapSource and sending it to the GPSr.
For OS X, download the Mac .tgz version, double click it to extract it and then double click the .gmapi file. Map Manager will then install the map for you...
Download Windows Version [142B] (1114 Downloads)
Download Mac Version [142B] (840 Downloads)
Need MapSource (Windows)? Click Here
Need RoadTrip/MapInstall/MapManager (Macintosh)? Click Here
GPS Usage
This map can be installed with any other Garmin Maps via Garmin MapSource or MapInstall (MapSource How-To Tutorial).
Version 1.00 (11 Apr 09)
- Initial release