North West United States Map

Map InfoMap Information

Created By: John_M
Last Updated: March 9th, 2009 2:03am
Map Coverage:
North: 49°
West: -125° East: -109°
South: 41°
Country: United States
State: California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Price: Free

Topographic Data Street Data Point of Interest Data PC Version Available Mac Version Available Works With Garmin

North West United States

Last Updated: March 8th, 2009 16:00pm

Map Boundary:

North: 49°

South: 41°

West: -125°

East: -109°

Country: United States

States: All of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

Parts of California, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming

Price: Free

Map Features:

Topographic Data

Street Data


    * Roads - Interstates, highways, arterial roads, residential roads, limited unpaved roads

    * Railroads

    * High resolution water data - lakes, rivers, streams, and washes

    * Federal Land Usage - Wilderness area, national parks, and military bases/ranges, native american reservations

    * Borders - County and state boundary lines

    * Elevation contours - 20ft intervals

    * GNIS Points of Interest - summits, mines, falls, dams, cemeteries, towers, populated places, etc.

    * 4 Grid Segments to the dergee - no segment larger than 6.7mb most less then 4mb in size

The img file names do have meaning.

Position 1 and 2    The block number. Blocks 4 degree by 4 degree parts I have divided the map in to.


Position 3 and 4   The Latitude of the Northwest corner  of the square

Position 5, 6 and 7   The Longitude of the Northwest corner  of the square


Position 8     A number 1 to 4 showing what quarter of the degree the img file map is of . 1 is the Northwest, 2 is the Northeast, 3 is the Southwest, and 4 is the Southeast,

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